Wednesday, November 24, 2010

New Buffy Movie... Will it Suck?

One of my biggest dreams was to be a major villain on Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I could have given Buffy a better challenge than the stinking Initiative. Luxor the Soul Drainer would have been my name. I would have carried around a big sword and just terrorized Sunnydale. Oh the possibilities... Anyways back to reality now. Needless to say, I loved that show. Although I think it lost some steam after the fifth season , it holds a special place in my heart as one of my favourite television series of all-time.

So when it was annouced that Warner Bros, was rebooting the series for the big screen, I was excited. But that excitement was cut down like a claymore to the kneecap when I heard that Joss Whedon was not involved with the project. The answer to the title's question is pretty obvious... the new Buffy movie will suck.

But as fans of the show, and as modern day swordsmen and swordswomen, we have the power to make it suck as little as possible. The first order of business is to get the right person to be cast as Buffy.

I know some die hards will demand that they want Sarah Michelle Gellar or nothing, but let's be honest, Sarah is done with the Buffy character. She is probably just enjoying raising a family and living off Buffy royalties.

So let's instead set our sights on casting the best Buffy actress possible and hopefully save this thing.


Firstly, let's look at what we need in a Buffy character.

Buffy was energetic, witty, athletic, and cute. Plus very pop culture oriented and a little awkward at times. She also had kick-ass side to her too which apparently is necessary when staking ugly vampires in the heart.

Sarah Michelle Gellar's version of Buffy had that quirky cute ass kicking character down to a T. Can any of the young actresses out today come close? Two come to my mind...

#2 Scarlett Johansson - Action movie Cred (Iron Man)
This is the money pick for the studios. Scarlett Johansson is one of the hottest actresses out and will definitely be a tempting pick for the suits at Warner Bros. Lately she has been establishing her action movie cred in movies like Iron Man and has also signed up for an eerily similar Buffy type role in the movie Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. Well, if she pulls that role off then it should be a no brainer, right? Not quite.

Something tells me that hard core fans would find it hard to see Scarlett in this role. She usually plays the ultra sexy temptress type role in movies of this nature which would make her a better fit to play Cordelia or maybe a villain. But as Buffy? Not so much. She doesn't seem like some one who could pull off that quirky quick witted side of Buffy convincingly.

I definitely don't think Scarlett is bad choice. But I have one other actress that can pull it off a bit better.

#1 Ellen Page - Action movie cred -Inception

This may surprise some but there is something about Ellen's witty sense of deadpan humour that I think can translate into a good quality Buffy character. She can definitely be feisty too. In Inception she showed that she had the confidence and swagger to hold her own in a big action movie. Plus she is a cute little damsel.

Obviously she will have to get to the gym and work on her martial arts, but thats not much of an issue since stunt doubles will do most of the cool, and complicated fight scenes anyways.

So those are my two picks for the next Buffy. Who would you rather have? Let me know. If you have any better suggestions, throw their name into the hat and let's hear why.

1 comment:

  1. Hey man. Didn't know you were blogging! Hope you update again soon.

    I remember you telling me about this idea back in the day, lol. Sounds badass. The Initiative and Adam were kinda lame, looking back...

    I love the Ellen Page idea. She's a little cutie. Been digging her since X-Men 3. Yeah, she was one of the few good things in that movie.
