Monday, November 15, 2010

Walking Dead = 28 Days Later... Why Bother?

Good Day Fellow Warriors

This Friday, I got a text from my little brother telling me about a show that "You Gotta SEE!!!!" Messages like these I take with a grain of salt because my brother and I have vastly different tastes and opinions. There have been many times that he has hyped up a show to Lost: The Finale type proportions, only for me to question his sanity after watching his awful suggestion But every once in awhile he will show me a gem that I would have otherwise completely ignored.
So when I sat down too watch his show Walking Dead, I did so having no idea what to expect.

It started off well enough. Nobody has really pulled off a good horror television show. At least I haven't seen any. So I was intrigued when I saw the creepy zombie kid at the beginning.
But when I saw the main character wake up from his coma, alone in a trashed hospital, I immediately thought of the movie 28 Days Later. And as the show went on I got the feeling that I was watching a less grittier, suburban version of the movie. When the characters started talking about Atlanta as the refugee city that all of the survivors were trying to get to (very similar to the destination that the main characters in 28 Days Later were trying to reach), I thought to myself "why would I invest my time in a show and sit down through all those hours when I saw the movie that summed up the whole deal in under 2 hour?" So I said "that's a wrap for me", told my bro that he "struck out again" and went to bed about forty minutes into the show. I was definitely unimpressed and was pretty sure I was done with the show.

But the next night, when I arrived at my place, my roommates were all getting ready for a "Walking Dead Marathon". I was pretty surprised, since I know that they are bigger movie buffs than I am and had definitely seen 28 Days Later. Apparently there is no controversy since the book that the show is based on came out before the movie.

They all sang the praises of the show and were definitely surprised when I told them I was unimpressed. But their enthusiasm for the Walking Dead made me think that maybe I came to judgement too soon (I understand if you wouldn't hire me as executioner). So I need your help. Should I give Walking Dead another look? Or have I made a good call and would just be wasting my time?

Just add your comments below and let me know.

For those of you who don't know what I am talking about, take a look at the intro and trailer below and see if you can catch the similarities.

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